Marsha Goldberg: Marshmallow Root

A Food that Might Have Prevented the Irish Potato Famine

by BC Farms & Food  -  Permalink
December 8, 2013

One of the benefits of seed saving is a deep knowledge of the plant life of your region. Marsha Goldberg, owner of Eagleridge Seeds on Salt Spring Island, reminds us that even now we only use a small amount of Nature’s bounty. In this video, she talks about the trouble with monoculture, and tells how the herb Marshmallow could have mitigated Ireland’s great potato famine. This is an example of the value of lesser known food sources as we face climate change.

More videos:
Marsha Goldberg: Protecting Heritage Seeds

Purple Calabash Tomato. Climate Change and How a Tomato Changed its ColourMarsha Goldberg: Climate Change and How a Tomato Changed its Colour

The Seeds of SustainabilityThe Seeds of Sustainability: How Plant Diversity Can Ensure Our Future

Flowers, beets and chard grow side by side in this diverse cool-weather garden. Grow a Climate Change Resilient GardenGrow a Climate Change Resilient Garden

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