Raspberry Lemonade

by BC Farms & Food  -  Permalink
July 2, 2015


This summer lemonade from The Waste Not, Want Not Cookbook by Cinda Chavish works well with ripe, juicy raspberries, as well as with fresh strawberries or blackberries.


Serves 12
Yields 3 cups concentrate

1 cup water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup fresh raspberries
4 large lemons

For garnish:
fresh mint sprigs
extra whole raspberries

Start by making a simple syrup: In a saucepan over medium heat, boil the water and sugar until the sugar has dissolved completely. Cool.

In another saucepan, crush the raspberries with a potato masher, then press through a fine sieve to remove the seeds, capturing all of the fresh juice and pulp in a bowl. Combine the juice and pulp with the cooled syrup.

Halve and juice the lemons; strain to remove seeds. Add the lemon juice and lemon pulp—you should have about 1 cup—to the raspberry mixture.

Keep your fruity lemonade concentrate in the fridge, and when you’re ready to serve, dilute 4:1 with water. Place a sprig of fresh mint in a tall glass and muddle with a spoon to release the oils. Fill the glass with ice and pour the lemonade overtop. Garnish with whole fresh raspberries.

Photo and recipe courtesy of TouchWood Editions.

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